Inspection and diagnostic
The Company owns a Destructive and Non-destructive Test Laboratory compatible with technical criteria within the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 stnadard. The Laboratory was recognized by the Ofice of Technical Inspection (UDT) to perform laboratory tests listed in the UDT Subcontractor Certificate.
Our machine diagnostic and balancing services involve:
- vibrodiagnostic tests of the dynamic statues of turbo-machines concerning the evaluation of the technical condition of drivers, identification of damage to turbo-machines, evaluation of rolling bearing condition,
- laser-assisted alignment of drive units,
- balancing of shafts and rotors,
- testing of electric motors supplied with alternating current 0,4kV and 6kV.
Services provided by the Office for Technical Inspection (UDT) include:
- non-destructive testing (NDT) of welded joints and metallurgical products, including: radiographic tests, ultrasonic tests, magnetic, article tests liquid-penetrant tests, thermovisual and remove visual inspection (RVI),
- destructive testing of permanent joints and metallurgical products includes: tensile testing, bend testing, impact testing, nick break testing and metal hardness testing using standardized and dynamic methods, as well as macroscopic testing.