
The Company offers low-dust and low-splinter blast cleaning using a modern Sponge-Jet technology.
Additionally, we provide services which include applying thermal insulation by spray method.

We have at our disposal and advanced cleaning machine with the ability to reduce dust dispersion when cleaning power unit elements. The process is harmonious with nature. The emitted dust from the procedure of removal o dirt on fouled surfaces is reduced to a minimum. Incorporating it as the primary cleaning material, Sponge-Jet combines softness and delicacy of a sponge with the ability to remove contaminants.

The key element in the Sponge-Jet method is sponge abrasive material. Incorporating it as the primary cleaning material, Sponge-Jet combines softness and delicacy of sponge with ability to remove contaminants. Using Sponge-Jet cleaner results in achieving a specific surface profile (6-100 µm), which guarantees suitable chemically and anticorrosive resistent, especially in hard to reach areas. Such a solution significantly extends the durability of the completed work, reducing the need for later servicing and maintenance.

The range of industrial flooring used in the power industry suitable for applying the Sponge-Jet cleaning technique:

  • fillet welds,
  • welds of bends of live steam and secondary steam piping,
  • tubular air preheaters,
  • panels and waterwall tubes underneath ceramic spray,
  • preparation of testing pipeline and waterwall tube welds,
  • turbine and boiler fittings
  • turbine rotor blades,
  • boiler bunkers,
  • chambers and fan blades.

Sponge-Jet technology enables the usage of a wide array of abrasive agents and replaces: shot blasting, sanding, blasting with corundum, as well as synthetic glass beading.

The application of Sponge-Jet technology improves working conditions and personnel safety, which plays a pivotal role for ELTUR-SERWIS sp. z o.o. in maintaining the opinion of reliable and trustworthy partners.

Benefits of applying the Sponge-Jet technique by ELTUR-SERWIS sp. z o.o.:

  • Thanks to machine being mobile, we are able to perform cleaning works at the destination site, without the necessity to dismantle and carry elemnts which need to be cleaned.
  • Cleaning services are provided independently. We do not subcontract the services of any other service provider when preparing elements for further regeneration processes. Until recently, it was necessary to hire a subcontractor. By this new service, we limit costs of transport and service.
  • For cleaning we se specialist abrasive material, which is adapted to the type of surface.
  • The abrasive material is recoverable after cleaning, which makes it reusable.
  • Owing to the application of sharp edge abrasive material during cleaning, we remove dirt without any losses, such as damage or base deformation.
  • By application of dust-free technology, it is possible to carry out various works at the same level in a conflict-free mannerthat, and as a result reduces the total time of project execution. For instance, cleaning with the application of Sponge-Jet technology may be used in parallel with welding works.
  • The myriad of surfaces that can be cleaned using Sponge-Jet equipment supports the better orchestration of works performed in various areas.

We offer repair works and service of power equipment by using Sponge-Jet technology during the machine preparation for remanufacture.  Therefore, services which our company provides are faster, less costly and more durable.

Nowadays, thermal isolations are applied by spray on method, which is one of the most efficient technique used in preventing significant heat loss. This procedure is used in many fields of industry branch.
All insulation works are performed in accordance with the requirements of Polish international standards. Additionally, we offer design implementation services of insulation by matching adequate technology, type of insulaion material and its thickness.

The Company offers the execution of thermal insulation of casings of turbine sets and chambers of shut-off and control valves using dry mixture consisting of mineral wool fibres, special cement grades and DOSSOLAN 4000 T modyfying additions used as insulating material. The material is applied by means of special pumping and spraying equipment. The purpose of thermal insulation is to prevent significant industrial heat loss, occurrence of excessive thermal stresses and deformations, and to reduce the temperature in the Turbine Hall.

The insulation spraying technique allows reaching of hard to access places and laying of the required thickness during one spraying cycle.

The laying of insulation involves the fragmentation of fibres in a machine, and the pneumatic transport of fibres in a hose to the outlet nozzle, where the obtained materials goes through sprayed water, which activates the binding agent. Offered thermal insulation has excellent insulting properties made of mineral wool, which is non-flamable and contains no fibres with asbestos. The completed insulation does not require external treatment. To make it fully water and mechanical damage resistant, the hard plaster jacket is laid manually and later has epoxy paint applied on the body.

ELTUR-SERWIS sp. z  o.o. possess long-term experience in the application of thermal insulation during overhauls of turbine generator units at PGE GiEK S.A. Turów Power Plant Department.