If you want to ask questions, report an issue or violation of regulations or the PGE Capital Group’s Code of Ethics, contacts us via e-mail:
The person reporting the suspicion or irregularity is still called the whistle-blower. Companies from the PGE Capital Group respect the right of whistle-blower to remain anonymous. Personal data and other informations provided to the above e-mai address remain confidential until the informant agrees to disclose all or part of given information.
The PGE Capital Group’s Code of Ethics is a set of values and principles which we want to be guided by. The Code of Ethics is the declaration of acts while maintaining the highest standards. Moreover, it contains practical tips and ways to implement the commitments we have made.
What is the Code of Ethics and why is it important?
The PGE Capital Group’s Code of Ethics is a set of values and principles in our Capital Group.
It establishes the basic ethical values and standards of the PGE Capital Group, whose compliance is expected of employees, as well as management.
Our most valid principels are related to the attitude towards the company, employees, business activities and maintained external relations.
Each of our team memeber is expected to take responsibility for their work in accordance with best practies.
Our Company identifies with PGE Capital Group. We effectively and creatively cooperate in every area of our activity – for clients, owners, employees and business partners. Our partnerships are based on mutual respect.
We continuously improve organization, processes and technologies in our group.
The Company actively searches for new innovations and solutions, which requires the courage to introduce them.
Everyday we ensure the energy security to the country and growth of our country economy. Our main focus lies on sustainable development of our Company, as well as providing supportive workplace.
You can download PGE Capital Group’s Code of Ethics by clicking following covers.